The name of "Ka Mi Web" is from the English word "Coming", Welcome people who like pets and delicious food to join us .
We provide a convenient and free website space to introduce the pet's restaurants which has special features in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung.
We provide explicit information, popular pet, menu and panorama of restaurants, and so on. When you register, you can use the uncomplicated on-line system of reservation to take the place of using complicated telephone to contact with the store. Then you can finish making reservation at the shortest time. Even better, a member of "Ka Mi Web" who makes reservation can obtain the discount from the store . "Ka Mi Web" provide the raising pet common sense and other information .Therefore, We set up forum that member can easy to discussed and ask any questions. In addition, holding activities is basis of the festival that we plan pet and pet's owners activities, party. It's not only let pet owners make friends with those of same hobbies, but also for pet having new playmate. Action speaks louder than words, Joining "Ka Mi Web" right now, and making you and your favorite pet having happy and plentiful daily life.